Online ordering is gaining usage and trust!

More consumers are feeling confident ordering groceries online

Online spending was up +43% from March 2020 to March 2021

Online orders increased by +12% from March 2020 to March 2021

Monthly Online Spending for Groceries

All Retail Formats and Receiving Methods

Average # of Monthly Online Orders

All Retail Formats and Receiving Methods

“Grocery Definition”

  • Comprises product categories typically found in a conventional supermarket.
  • Includes food, beverages, HBC, nonfood, GM and alcohol.

Online Order Receiving Methods

  • Pickup: Curbside, in-store, or locker
  • Delivery: Attended or unattended drop off 1st party or 3rd party provider.
  • Ship to home: Distributed by common or contact carrier.

Potato Market Update

Demand in the russet potato market continues to be steady at best. All shipping areas appear to have adequate supplies available to last them until the new crop arrives. Some areas like Idaho and Colorado appear to have excess supplies. Pricing remains under pressure on all small sizes, while the larger sizes are staying firm.

Growers in Texas and Kansas have completed planting and are starting to see the new crop of red potatoes emerge from the ground. New crop red potatoes are available from Florida and California.

Storage crop yellow potatoes remain available in Idaho and Colorado, while the new crop is available in both Florida and California. Pricing remains steady to strong in both shipping areas.

White potato availability remains limited in all shipping areas. Even with limited supplies, it appears to be enough to handle the current demand. New crop white potatoes are being shipped from California and Florida, with the majority of that crop remaining near the shipping point.

New crop fingerling potatoes are available from growers in Florida and California, with limited availability on red fingerlings. Pricing remains very steady.

Onion Market Update

California is in full swing with new crop onions in all colors! Markets are steady across the board in all colors and sizes. Medium-sized onions remain in tight supply.

Growers in the Oregon/Washington Columbia Basin are still shipping excellent quality yellow storage onions. Some growers will have new crop early onions available in July.

Idaho growers are finished up for the year on storage crop onions.

Freight continues to be tight with elevated rates in both California, Oregon and Washington where the majority of onions are being shipped. We are also seeing increased pallet costs due to increasing costs for lumber.

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